This Week @ Cult Labs: 2 September 2010

And then it was September.

2010 is just flying by in a blaze of great DVDs and Blu-rays. What seems like only days ago, but was actually months ago, I decided to hand in my notice at my third job (I do this newsletter and I teach too) due to time constraints and this week I’m actually going to do it. Which means in a month I’ll have more time to spend on my PhD but also more time to spend on the Cult Labs forums. Hell, I’ll even have time to watch films that I’m not studying. Bring on the Argento!

In fact, handing in my notice this week works out really well as it means I will have left my third job just after the 30th anniversary edition of Argento’s Inferno is released by Arrow Video on 2-disc DVD and a 2-disc Blu-ray/DVD combo on 13 September 2010. This means I’ll have loads of free time to watch the film and all of the extras too! Hurrah!

While I plan what I can do with this extra free time, why don’t I get started on this week’s newsletter for you? Here goes…

Sarah@Cult Labs.


We at Cult Labs are a pretty savvy bunch. In general we all know what to do in case of a zombie outbreak. However, not everyone is as lucky as we are. Some of my friends don’t even know to shoot a zombie in the head! Duh! Well, thankfully, those kind folks at E1 Entertainment are releasing [REC] 2 on DVD and Blu-ray on 20 September 2010 and, trust me, by the time the film has ended, the audience will definitely know what to do in a zombie outbreak.

However, if some of your friends and family need a bit of convincing, if they’re not aware of the risks brought about by zombie-ignorance, get them to watch this instructive video which acts as a starter guide to zombie-awareness. Watching this video will convince your loved ones that they need to learn more about zombie-related risks and so they will watch [REC] 2 with you without complaint about watching an educational film. What’s more, as well as being instructive, [REC] 2 is also, according to Nuts Magazine, “the most frightening film of the year,” so they’ll also have a ball while watching it too! To find out more about [REC] 2, check out the blog.


So, what things could I do more of? Well there’s the PhD and watching non-PhD films… And spending more time at Cult Labs. Or I could go the gym a bit more, or read more books. Or I could tell you all what’s caught my eye at the Labs this week!


As I mentioned earlier, it’s out in less than a fortnight and it’s such a popular film that it has its own subforum. Here you can find details of the artwork, special features, screenshots and much more. In fact, the release is so close that reviews are starting to show up so if you’re still sitting on the fence over this release (although I can’t imagine who would be!) you should head on over here to get the lowdown.

The Cult Labs Film Night

Well this could be one of the best ideas I’ve heard of in a while. Some of the mods have had the idea of a Cult Labs film night which, at first glance, might seem a touch impossible since we’re all over the country. But here’s what iluvdvds has to say on the matter: “At a certain date, at a certain time, all the members who want to take part log on to the forums as per usual and pop in a certain (!) film into their DVD player so we’re all in sync. Then away we go! An online discussion of the film as it plays.” He adds, “Obviously we’d have to decide on a certain day and time that would suit everyone as best as possible. We were also thinking of using Twitter to do this as well, since it would be a lot easier.” The current idea is to use the first ever Shameless/Cult Labs release, The New York Ripper, but the thread has a poll so you can cast your own vote. Head on over to take part!

The Scandinavian Horror Thread

There has been some excellent Scandinavian horror released in the last few years. Films like Let the Right One In, Cold Prey 1 and 2, Dead Snow and Harpoon: The Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre have met with a great reception from audiences and some have even been released through Cult Labs! thundercrack has seen how good some of these films are and so has started a thread in the Euro Horror section so you can discuss your favourites and make suggestions. If you’re also a fan of Scandinavian horror, check it out.

Closet Film Favourites

Let’s face it, it’s always good to get something off your chest. Especially if that something is a particularly embarrassing film that you just love! We’re all well aware of stevoj‘s love for Grease 2, but did you know about TheCoroner‘s love of Squirm or dangerous_jamie‘s penchant for weepies? What about you? Got a film-based skeleton lurking in your closet of shame? Me personally, I just can’t get enough of Sky High, Pretty Woman and Sleepless in Seattle. *blushes*


Here’s what else has caught my eye this week!


“Embrace the geekiness.” – And while you’re at it, why not come over to the Dark Side, stevoj?


Another week, another fab prize from Kyle! This week, he’s giving away Arrow Video’s Jaguar Lives on DVD. If you fancy winning this great prize, you need to head on over to the Comp Corner to find out how! Good luck!


This week I have to say a big welcome to LoBo, depoxl5, nadeem and mikeislikesohotrightnow! Hope you guys all settle in well and find some interesting stuff to chat about!


Before I go, here’s a little reminder that if you haven’t already signed up to receive this newsletter in your inbox each week, you can do so using this link. All this means is that every Thursday you get a little bit of me in your inbox. Not literally though. That’d be a bit gross.

Remember, if you have any comments, feedback or anything you’d like to see featured in the newsletter, PM me at Sarah@Cult Labs or drop me a line on the newsletter thread!

Until next week,

Sarah@Cult Labs.


1 Response » to “This Week @ Cult Labs: 2 September 2010”

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sarah Wharton, Cult Labs. Cult Labs said: RT @sarahw1984: The @cultlabs newsletter is now up: [...]

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