Well, here it is, guys: the last Cult Labs Newsletter of 2010! The next time I provide you with news, interesting threads, Kyle’s competitions and stuff about my life you probably don’t want to know it’ll be 2011 and you’ll probably already have your copy of Arrow Video’s Deep Red on either DVD or Blu-ray (it’s out 3 January).

As this week’s newsletter is going out on New Year’s Eve, I’ve got another special feature lined up for you. Instead of some of the usual bits and bobs, Kyle has compiled a quiz of 2010 for you but more on that later…

So did you all have a nice Christmas? I did although I’m still recovering from over-consumption of turkey and wine. I need to detox but there’s really no point what with it being New Year’s Eve as my fizz consumption will go through the roof tonight… Probably along with the cork! And I got a recipe book for Christmas which has left me wanting to cook full-fat foods. So detoxing… not so much!

Sarah@Cult Labs.


We’ve been talking about it for what seems like forever but on 3 January 2011, A Serbian Film finally comes to DVD and Blu-ray courtesy of Revolver Entertainment!

In case you’ve been living in a cave and have missed hearing about the most talked-about film of 2010, you can check out details and reviews on the hubsite. If you have been following one of the most controversial films to hit screens in years, head on over to the official mini-forum to discuss it!


One of the stand-out films of FrightFest 2010 was a British horror flick by the name of Outcast. Starring James Nesbitt and Karen Gillam amongst others, this is a smart, stylish and original addition to a recent wave of quality British horror movies. The film has been described as “a monster movie, a murder mystery, and a Polanski-style tale of strange emotional ties that gradually unravel in several unpleasant ways” (FearNet.com) and as “a bold, ambitious first feature… a genuinely menacing piece of horror” (Twitch). This classy piece of British horror is being released on DVD by Momentum Pictures on 17 January 2011. For more info you can check out the blog or chat about Outcast on the official thread.


On 31 January 2011 look out for Shock Labyrinth 3D on DVD from Chelsea Films. From Takashi Shimzu, director of The Grudge comes the first ever 3D J-horror and it doesn’t disappoint. The movie uses 3D to really creepy effect and, as this is a spooky, atmospheric Japanese horror film as opposed to a simple slasher, you can expect the format to showcase nightmare visions rather than bloody tools and flying body parts. You can check out a clip or head on over to the official hubsite for more details.


Sam has written yet another excellent piece on ISOYG, this time about the rape/revenge genre. ISOYG will open in UK cinemas on 21 January 2011 so to whet your appetite, why not check out Sam’s blog? Here’s a taster:

The Rape-Revenge genre is, by dint of it’s a troublesome subject matter, a type of movie not loved by mainstream audiences in search of a few horror scares and some supernatural thrills or an escape into action fantasy. It’s a much grimmer and grimier proposition, confront the audience with a harsher, far more real type of horror than the average programme filler.

Whether the vengence is enacted by the bruised and bloodied victim, as in both the remake and the original versions of I Spit on Your Grave or the superbly downbeat Thriller… A Cruel Picture, or enraged relatives and spouses whose minds are turned by the tortures that befall their nearest and dearest, the genre remains one that doesn’t offer the audience easy solutions.

To read more, head on over to the blog or to talk about the ISOYG remake, check out the official mini-forum!


Without further ado, I’m going to hand you over to Kyle who has kindly constructed a special end-of-year quiz for you all!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas.  Well, as you all know it’s the end of one year and the begining of another. So what better time to have a horror quiz about 2010′s horror films / TV shows? But a quiz is one thing. But how about a competition?! Fancy some prizes? Of course, you do! So, whoever answers the most answers correct will win themselves a very nice gift. To enter, just send the answers by hitting reply to this newsletter! In the event of a tie, the winning entry will be picked at random from all the entries with the most correct answers. Unlike the majority of the weekly competitions, this time there will be no clues given, so you’re really going to have to turn those thinking caps up to 11.

Good luck and have a great new year!

  1. Piranha 3D featured what actor as the first character to be attacked by those flesh-eating fish?
  2. Name the brothers who’s song was covered on Freddy’s Greatest Hits and, this year, can be heard in the end credits of the Nightmare On Elm Street remake?
  3. I am known for starring in a TV show based upon a prison. I also ended up back in a prison in a hit 3D zombie sequel this year. Who am I?
  4. Who don’t text?
  5. Rick Baker makes a cameo as what in 2010’s remake of The Wolfman?

Now for the picture round! Name the following 5 films/TV shows:

Picture A:

Picture B:

Picture C:

Picture D:

Picture E:

So, get those entries, emailed in and, who knows? You could win a prize! Closing date is midnight on Tuesday 4 January 2011. Good luck!


Another comp from Kyle now who is, this week, giving away a copy of Puppet Master: Axis of Evil! To be in with a chance of winning you need to head on over to the Comp Corner now! Good luck…


Two podcasts from ThexperimentHQ for you this week!

Our Top Ten Films of 2010 in two episodes.

Part Une

So what has been thrilling the team of thexperiment this year? In this insightful edition, we run down our choices from 10-6 of the best films of 2010. Highlights include: A particular film causing two of the team to debate at great length, finding Easter Eggs, plus Shawn is schooled about a particular Cantonese superstar (yeah right!). So if you crave waffle satisfaction, and want to be edu-macated about films that really are worth checking out as opposed to the standard multiplex fodder then dig this action. Part Deaux will be the final 5 and our number 1’s and no, not all of us chose THAT film!

Part Deux

You know our choices for 10-6, now it is time to find out what could possibly be at number 1? It surely couldn’t be that obvious could it, Shirley? We also run down what the worst films of the year were in our opinions & finally some (a lot!) that just missed the mark. This is our final podcast of 2010 but next year you can look forward to interviews with Scott Mann Director of The Tournament, also Jonathan Lynn Director of Wild Target/Clue/My Cousin Vinny and creator of Yes (Prime) Minister…as well as more waffle and rants…


Nothing to say this week except happy new year from your friendly neighbourhood mods! Here’s wishing you all the best for 2011!


This week I’m saying hello to Leccifur-blackstar, slaghammer and mahoney! Welcome to the Labs, you’re our last new members of 2010! If you’re new to the forum, why not head on over to the new members thread to introduce yourself?


Before I go, here’s a little reminder that if you haven’t already signed up to receive this newsletter in your inbox each week, you can do so using this link. All this means is that every Thursday you get a little bit of me in your inbox. Not literally though. That’d be a bit gross.

Remember, if you have any comments, feedback or anything you’d like to see featured in the newsletter, PM me at Sarah@Cult Labs or drop me a line on the newsletter threadOr, if you’re reading this as an email, just hit “reply”!

I’ll be back in 2011 so I will see you then. If you’re at a party tonight, have a great time and stay safe.

Here’s wishing you a happy and prosperous 2011!

Until next year,

Sarah@Cult Labs.


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