Oh, What A Beautiful Morning…

Oh, what a beautiful day! The clocks have gone forward and the sun is shining. Yes, it’s spring and there’s not much longer until Summer rears it’s beaming face. The flowers are blooming, the trees are blossoming, lambs are bleating and birds are tweeting. Every one’s dressed in very little clothing, walking with a skip in their step , soaking up the rays to get that desired evenly spread glow. Oh, how I crave winter.  Prepare yourselves for a flooding of various ‘news’ reports about it being the hottest Summer in the history of the entire multi-universe…since records began. The only refreshing breeze I got today was an unfortunate and unwanted gust of flatulant wind that successfully sqeezed out of an elderly ladies bumcheeks as she passed me by on the way to the shops. I’ve always said, there’s nothing quite like the smell of freshly cut grass on a hot summers day. So I guess a wiff of freshly cut ass methane on a sunny day isn’t far off.

Anyways, back to the newsletter! Watch your pulse readers, we’ve got lots of exciting news this week!


There’s tones of great films coming out soon, so here’s an essential run down of the best things to expect…

Corman’s World

It’s out now! Horray! The in-depth and very informative documentary all about one of cinema’s true greats, Mr. Roger Corman, is out in the shops now on both DVD and Blu-Ray. From his Edgar Allan Poe/Vincent Price collaborations including The Pit And The Pendulum and The Masque Of The Red Death to exploitation classics such as Death Race 2000 and the original Piranha, without Roger Corman cinema would be a very different place. Celebrate this man’s incredible output with this fascinating documentary from Anchor Bay – you owe it to him! Sam’s done a tone of great work on the Corman’s World tumblr with loads of awesome stuff to check out.

The Howling Reborn

Also out soon from Anchor Bay is this great new Werewolf film! The latest in The Howling francise is a much needed breath of fresh air from this series. If eye candy and lychanthropes are  your cup of tea, then look no further than The Howling: Reborn. Out on the 9th of April on both DVD and Blu-Ray, The Howling: Reborn is a fun and simple film, perfect for this kind of weather. Visit the Official forum here and be sure to join us on the 6th April for a very special night of entertainment. It’s a full moon and to celebrate the release, we’ll be having a Werewolf marathon with special prizes to be won! Keep your eyes pealed for a blog about Teenagers and werewolves too!

Don’t Go In The House!

Don’t want to corrupt your precious mind with one of the nastiest grindhouse classics ever to have been made? Then don’t order Arrowdrome’s Don’t Go In The House! Mind you, rules are meant to be broken. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you! Grab this video nasty for the very nice price of less than £4 at HMV! Don’t miss it!

Prisoner: Cell Block H

Screws and lags, there’s only one more week left until the 13th Volume of the unforgettable favourite Prisoner: Cell Block H is released! Out on the 2nd of April, this volume contains many fabulous storylines and some truly upsetting goodbyes. Have the tissues at the ready, guys! This volume has some very emotional moments in! Don’t forget to visit the official forum for the show and be sure to get stuck into all the great topics on offer! Or create your own! Be sure to pre-order the 13th Volume online too.

Shameless Sexploitation

Forget the weather! Things are going heating up on the official Shameless Screen Entertainment forum, with their sizzling upcoming release of the sensual Sexploitation boxset!  If their earlier box set release including Killer Nun, Torso and  Night Train Murders is anything to go by, then this is bound to be one of this years greatest releases for fans of cult sleaze! Check out all the details and more here.

Other Great Titles!

Keep your eyes pealed for these new titles out soon. More details to follow soon!

  • The Divide - With elements of torture porn mixed with several classic Twilight Zone episodes, comes this hard-hitting and depressing sci-fi film from the director of Frontier(s). Definetly be sure to catch this in the cinema. Visit the official Tumblr for more details.
  • The Raid – Do you miss when action films had balls? When the action was non-stop, the story gritty, the fights mesmorising? Well the highly anticipated The Raid is out very soon to cinemas. It’s truly one of the greatest action films of recent times. Fuel up your testosterone and smash your way through to the official Tumblr for more info.


This week we’re giving three lucky winners the chance to win…erm…a film? Ok, so this week is a little special in that we have a competition for a surprise DVD/Blu-Ray. In other words, I don’t know what we’re giving away. So, what better way to win this unnamed prize than with a near impossible competition that will have you in fits raking your brain trying to figure it out. ‘Simply’ figure out the films these 12 different fonts are from and you could win…whatever the prize may be. Enter now!

Well, that’s it for this week but remember there are so many ways you can get involved with all the cult film fun at Cult Labs:


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