THIS WEEK @ CULT LABS: 28 Sept 2012

Oh, The Action!

Fists thumping! Bullets blazing! Necks snapping! Hearts racing! Lots of exclamation marks! Make room, for the most action-packed movie in decades. The Raid came crashing to DVD and Blu-ray this week, featuring up and coming Iko Uwais who is set to be the next big action hero, this film is a must for anyone and everyone looking for a burst of non-stop, adrenaline fueled action. To celebrate its release, today we’re holding a very special event. From 1pm onwards, over on Twitter, we’ll be discussing The Raid and the very best action movies. Simply head onto Twitter at some point after one and join in with the discussions. Just add the hashtag #RaidRules and you’re all set! See you there!


  • Lady Snowblood – It’s Arrow time! This week also saw one of the best Arrow releases of the year head to shop shelves. This gorgeous box set contains both Lady Snowblood and Lady Snowblood II along with a very nice booklet and exclusive interview. Did you order the steelbook or the dual format edition? What do you make of it? Come on, don’t be shy! Let us know on the Arrow forum!


  • The Pact – Available on DVD and Blu-ray from 1st October,  is the brand new ghostly thriller, The Pact. When released in cinemas early this year, the film became an instance success, sending chills up the spines of all those that watched it. Very similar to such other ghost classics as The Haunting, The Sixth Sense, What Lies Beneath and the brilliant The Others. This is a superb choice for these dark, cold nights. With an incredible plot, a nice big twist, plenty of suspense and horror as well as a fantastically talented cast of female leads, this is a superb film that you need to see! Dare you watch it with the lights off? If you haven’t already, be sure to pre-order yours. Don’t forget we’re also counting down the days to The Pact‘s release with our daily blog on history’s greatest ever ghost movies. Just visit for more!
  • Sinister – There’s only a week left until the scariest film of the year heads to a cinema near you. If you think you’re brave enough, be sure to check it out! We double dare you. Staring Ethan Hawke in his best role yet, the film will have you sweating bucket as your hair turns white, you start to shake to the very core of your soul and you become so scared that not even the tiniest scream or cry for help dare escape from your throat. Keep your eye on the Official Sinister Facebook page today for a release form you’ll need to sign before seeing this film. It just  prevents us from being sued if you die of fright whilst watching Sinister.
  • Want to win a private screening of SINISTER for you and your mates? Want to scare the living daylights out of your friends? Head to Twitter now if you’ve been lucky enough to see the film at a preview or from 5th Oct when it opens in UK cinemas nationwide and sell this year’s most chilling horror picture in 140 characters or less – including the #SurviveSINISTER hashtag – for one of four chances to win a fantastic and frightening night out to remember. Don’t forget to follow the @Sinister_UK Twitter to find out who wins!
  • We Are The Night – Out soon is the super sexy, very violent and anything-but-sparkly (!) vampire film, We Are The Night. From the makers of Urban Explorers is a must see for all those interested in the fanged beings. Check out this great clip here.
  • Apartment 143 – Also out soon, is this incredibly creepy found footage spook-fest. One of the best poltergeist movies of recent times, if you think the fact that you don’t live in a grand old house built atop an Indian burial ground, think again. This film takes the horror right to your home! Just look at this GIF from the film. Talk about terrifying. Look at it! Look at it!!!

  • Shameless Screen Entertainment – It’s not just the UK that’s been plagued with yellowness ever since Shameless burst onto the scene. Oh no! This week, Shameless Screen Entertainment provided the Giallo-Fever Festival in New York City with Don’t Torture A Duckling! For more info take a look here.


  • This week’s Cult Labs’ Forum competition is a very special one. Why? Because member, Demdike is hosting it! That’s right! For your chance to win The Raid, head on over to the competition and let us know your favourite action movie. Convince the members they should vote for you and you could win. Also, say hi to Demdike!


Well, that’s it for this week but remember there are so many ways you can get involved with all the cult film fun at Cult Labs:

Want to win a private screening of SINISTER for you and your mates? Want to
scare the living daylights out of your friends? Head to Twitter now if
you’ve been lucky enough to see the film at a preview or from 5th Oct
when it opens in UK cinemas nationwide and sell this year’s most
chilling horror picture in 140 characters or less – including the
#SurviveSINISTER hashtag – for one of four chances to win a fantastic
and frightening night out to remember. Don’t forget to follow the
@Sinister_UK Twitter to find out who wins!

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