Comments on: About Cult Films, TV, Labels and More Wed, 19 Sep 2012 00:17:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caroline Jones Caroline Jones Wed, 11 May 2011 11:22:37 +0000 Midnight Movies' next event is on Sunday 29 May at the Roxy Bar & Screen in London. It's a special screening of cult horror film THE BEAST MUST DIE! introduced by Kim Newman with a discussion on Horror Cinema & Kim's book Nightmare Movies. I've attached some further info about the event. Please contact me for further info. Many thanks, Caroline Midnight Movies’ next event is on Sunday 29 May at the Roxy Bar & Screen in London. It’s a special screening of cult horror film THE BEAST MUST DIE! introduced by Kim Newman with a discussion on Horror Cinema & Kim’s book Nightmare Movies. I’ve attached some further info about the event. Please contact me for further info.

Many thanks,

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<description>Midnight Movies' next event is on Sunday 29 May at the Roxy Bar & Screen in London. It's a special screening of cult horror film THE BEAST MUST DIE! introduced by Kim Newman with a discussion on Horror Cinema & Kim's book Nightmare Movies. I've attached some further info about the event. Please contact me for further info. Many thanks, Caroline</description>
<![CDATA[ <p>Midnight Movies&#8217; next event is on Sunday 29 May at the Roxy Bar &amp; Screen in London. It&#8217;s a special screening of cult horror film THE BEAST MUST DIE! introduced by Kim Newman with a discussion on Horror Cinema &amp; Kim&#8217;s book Nightmare Movies. I&#8217;ve attached some further info about the event. Please contact me for further info.</p> <p>Many thanks,<br /> Caroline</p> ]]>
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