What’s the difference between a Teenager and a Werewolf? Not much. They  both stink, are unruly, have hair sprouting out of new places, stay out till late and have a new found craving for meat. So it’s no surprise then that Hollywood has had a lengthy fascination with the spotty, greasy skinned teens and the hellish creatures of the night. As such, here’s a blog to really get your bloody claws stuck into, as I guide you through the rebelious world of adolescent lycanthropes. Enjoy!

The word ‘teenager’ is fairly recent addition to the English Dictionary. ‘Teenager’ first became prominent in the 1950s when teenagers were given more freedom and were becoming more and more popular. With the economic boom of the 50s after World War II, people could afford to relax and have more fun (prior to this, you’d be expected to go straight to work, join the army or have kids!). With the introduction of television and AM radio, producers began to see a new gap in the market – teenagers! Soon enough, films, music and TV shows were being made with this age group in mind. A time for rebellion, fun and self-identity.

So it’s no surprise then that Hollywood quickly caught on and released a whole slurry of Teenage Horror films, including a certain film called I Was A Teenage Werewolf! Made in 1957 and staring Michael Landon, I Was A Teenage Werewolf tells the tale of a rebelious angry teenager (similar to James Dean) who has an unusual problem when the moon is full. A huge success, the film sprouted several future films including I Was A Teenage Frankenstein, I Was A Teenage Zombie, I Was A Teenage Series Killer and I Was A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle….ok, I made the last one up.

In 1985, a certain Michael J. Fox film payed homage to ol’ Landon’s howling beast with the classic Teen Wolf. Spawning a sequel, an animated television show and a new hit show on MTV, Teen Wolf focused on the adolescent and animalistic connections more than any film for a while. The trailer says it all! “His voice is changing, he’s got hair on his chest. He’s stopped being a boy. At last, he’s become…a wolf!” Underneath all the thick fur, the large fangs and Beach Boys music, the film is actually nothing more than a story of a teenage coming to terms with his manhood (after his only true male role model – his dad – reveals himself to be of the werewolf persuassion!). Scott Howard (Fox) starts of as a lonely, awkward and unpopular misfit of a seventeen year old. But as things begin to get a little hairy, Scott soon finds himself the talk of the town. He’s adored and awed by his female class mates and envied by the males. He quite literally rips of his young, social-awkward skin and reveals a new manlier beast within. A true celebration and journey of individulaism and self-identity. Now a TV show currently running on MTV, a channel that, believe it or not, actually had music on it (!) is primarily aimed at teenagers with vomit-inducing programmes such as Teen Cribs, 16 And Pregnant and My Super Sweet 16.

Of course, more recently, along with vampires, werewolves have gotten all glittery and sparkly. The huge success of the audience dividing Twilight saga epitomises the teen wolf syndrome. With it’s focus on soppy romance and pure love that many teens may crave for, to the array of topless young guys on display! It’s the perfect teenage fantasy…or nightmare if you despise the series!

But transforming into a werewolf is not just a metaphor for male teens. Oh no. With films like the Ginger Snaps series and the recent must-see anthology Trick ‘R’ Treat, these she-wolfs go through a transformation not just of unsightly body hair and odor, but sexuality, independence and power. How’s that for feminism?!

Whatever you do though, don’t just assume this is purely fiction. Anything but! Take a look at this news clip – there are teenagers who bring this mythos to reality….

Be sure to check out the latest in this line of teenage werewolf movies, with the most recent Howling sequel. The Howling Reborn (out on the 9th of April on DVD/Blu-Ray. Pre-order yours here!) has everything you’d want! Teenage angst, awesome transformations, gore, horror and plenty of eye candy (in the form of Landon Liboiron from Terra Nova and Ivana Casino Royale Millicevic . Visit the official forum for more details.

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