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Old 25th September 2010, 12:09 AM
Mahoney32 Mahoney32 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Aug 2010

Originally Posted by Inspector Tanzi View Post
The camera would have cost more than that!
There's rumour that the films budget was more likely to be around £200. the £45 thing was probably just a marketing gimmick, to get the media, and the distributors interested while Price was in Canne with it...
Plus, he probably had that camera already, regardless of whether or not he was going to make a film. I'm surprised they managed to make a two disc set out of this film? I've got the single disc edition, which cost me around £7 at Tesco. It's helping to keep my kitchen door open at the moment. Got it jammed under there. Though I am planning to watch this once more soon. I wonder what was on the second disc then? I've seen a lot of zombie films in my time, but I just couldn't sit through this one. I found it so boring, I could not stop yawning. Had to turn the film off half way in, and had to take a nap for a few hours. I was f**ked, to say the least...
Don't let these posts put you off from watching this film, if your curious about it. Some of you out there, may enjoy COLIN. just try and stick with it, I guess. Have a few beers ready on stand-by, And some Pringles maybe. Whatever it takes basically...
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