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Old 26th September 2010, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Philleh View Post
Anyone who has been to Italy can tell you that lizards are everywhere there. Look in a bush and you'll find a lizard.
Which doesn't make it one bit more okay to kill or willingly harm one...

How does the BBFC react to scenes in Asian movies when you can clearly see that the fish/frog/etc. the cook is dissecting for the soup is still alive. I don't know if that was in Untold Story or Ebola Syndrome, but I've seen a scene like this just a short while back ... and didn't find it okay, of course.

Still, I think the lizard-debate is kinda useless, cuz without this debate I wouldn't even have noticed it. I trust Arrow to talk sense into the BBFC on that matter. I don't want a cut AV release!
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