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Old 5th October 2010, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by DeadAlive View Post
The thinking goes like this. The general movie goer hates subtiles. Let The Right One In was a big money maker but the subtitles put some peolpe off. Lets remake it in English to grab the cash off those people.

Personally I don't mind subtitles - I'd estimate that over 30% of my DVD collection has them - but I do know quite a few people (My wife included.) who do not share my enthusiasm for reading as you watch. I can see why the remake from a purely money making aspect, but I think with Let Me In they have gote a strong cast and a director who loves the source material.

Hey, mercury. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (original) is well worth tracking down.
Its on my to get list DeadAlive. the only question is to go for Bluray or not
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