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Old 6th October 2010, 12:49 AM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
Cult Addict
Good Trader
Join Date: Apr 2008
Blog Entries: 1

A few I spin quite often are...

Vampyros Lesbos: Sexadelic Dance Party - Vampires' Sound Incorporation
Deep Red - Goblin
The Wicker Man - Paul Giovanni
Emanuelle in America - Nico Fidenco (the best soundtrack ever!)
Nosferatu the Vampyre - Popol Vuh
Cannibal Holocaust - Riz Ortolani
Cannibal Ferox - Budy Maglione
House by the Cemetery - Walter Rizzati
Cannibal Apocalypse - Alexander Blonksteiner
NonHoSonno (Sleepless) - Goblin
The Beyond - Fabio Frizzi
Blood For Dracula - Claudio Gizzi

I'd love to track down the soundtrack to Mountain of the Cannibal God by Guido and Maurizio De Angelis.
Sent from my Hoover using the power of Uri Gellar
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