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Old 10th October 2010, 11:22 AM
vipco vipco is offline
Cult Acolyte
Good Trader
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Belfast

I never played The Thing Mahoney but I heard from a gaming point its quite good.

Madden, I love that game. I usually upgrade each year but Madden 11 is too 'new user' friendly imo as the cpu picks your plays for you and at times is'nt the smartest. I'll probably get it at Christmas from some family member though.

Trade in games is a big money racket mate, even ARGOS do it now , but the big money goes to the shops as the makers get nothing, we get a naff price for our games and then they're sold on at up to 3 times the price.
The big games companies are trying to fight back by making DLC for first time owners free , any second owners dont get it unless they pay, Mafia 2 was an example of this , plus they're thinking of charging 2nd or 3rd time game owners online fees.
A certain publisher of a AAA war FPS game with massive online features was ready to do this but then 'chickened out' after internet flack.
It just take's one company to start charging though to kick it off.
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