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Old 16th October 2010, 04:10 AM
skyofcrack skyofcrack is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009

Originally Posted by springjack View Post
The only problem on presenting both versions should be the rights.

From the BBFC we can see that Arrow submitted the longer print.
If they could snag the rights to the other print then they could include it.
But all the footage from the shorter cut is within the longer cut. There's no different footage. I wouldn't think there would need to be a separate submission. Unless they wanted to show English credits for the shorter exported version. Then they would have to forego the seamless branching and use two discs for each set (dvd & Blu).

Depending on how many extras they have, they could probably fit most on the export disc. I'm sure they don't want to add a third disc to the package.
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