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Old 17th October 2010, 11:54 PM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Lot's of bbfc censored films have been shown uncut on TV. Hell, the Horror Channel even shown the Uncut version of Bloodsucking Freaks, and that has never been submitted to the BBFC.
There's a loophole at work there. Bloodsucking Freaks, to the best of my knowledge, has never been presented to the BBFC. Therefore it's not a banned or restricted work and can therefore be shown in its entirety. If it gets submitted and trimmed, then that's the version that has to be broadcast. TV is a weird medium in that under current legislation, you can't complain about a programme until after it's shown, not before. And I think some broadcasters hedge their bets on that one. I remember watching Natural Born Killers on Channel 5 before it was available on video and the country managed not to descend into anarchy!!

So, in summary, I think you'll find that as long as the film doesn't contain images that breach the law, and it hasn't been presented to the BBFC, it can be shown in its uncut form.

Anyway, I digress...

I quite like Rick's artwork for this one. I certainly prefer it to Inferno's artwork anyway.
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