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Old 18th October 2010, 05:40 PM
Mahoney32 Mahoney32 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Aug 2010

Originally Posted by vipco View Post
I like Civil war to Indain war period Westererns but I believe Red is set at the end of the 'wild west' (I could be wrong).
Not too keen on Victorian style settings myself mate.

I think SVR11 will be the next big game I tackle. This looks awesome.
I haven't played a Wrestling game for years, heres the official site for SVR11: Smackdown vs Raw - Home. Some good pictures and info on there for you to see...
In Red Dead Redemption, the rail roads have already been built, and the first Motor Cars are beginning to hit the streets. The game doesn't focus too much on these details though. But the "Wild West" is slowly dying, and the legends of the West are almost a thing of the past, as Law and order is swiftly gaining control of all territories.
But in this game, the West is still pretty wild, as you'd find out if you were to play through "Red Dead". There's a great deal of countryside in this game, which means you don't run into trouble as much as you would if you were playing GTA IV. This game is much more laid back in a way, a tad more subtle than the Niko Bellic epic...
Not a lot in the way of Native Indians in Red Dead redemption either, and you don't really think about this until you actually meet a few towards the end of the game.
Rockstar have managed to avoid a few of the clichés of the genre here, which is good to know that they have really thought some of these details through here. The game features a really pleasant musical score, which is peppered with two or three really nice songs, that really complement this game. I just wish Rockstar had taken the time to iron out most of the glitches that I discovered while playing through it. This makes me wonder about the quality of upcoming Rockstar releases, in the future, including GTA 5. We shall see...
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