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Old 19th October 2010, 09:22 AM
vipco vipco is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Belfast

I love Wrestling Mahoney but recent UK released Wrestling games have been poor, though SVR11 should change that with its Day 1 DLC pack which will give you the tools to alter the CPU AI stats .
Smackdown has always had on PS3 / 360 imho very non aggressive AI who use Reversals more with each difficulty setting rather than aggression . The abitity to increase stats and intensity is a blessing to me as I usually end up just playing Exibition Matches on Legend and win in 3 to 5 min max.
Maybe now i'll get to play all RTW stories and not just one then get bored with the crap AI.

Thanks for the link, I know its sad but im already a member there .LOL
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