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Old 20th October 2010, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Almar@Cult Labs View Post
Ah that'll be the chap who threatened us with posting bad reviews. It's moments like that where you think - let's just give up and not bother trying to do the right thing. The margins on these releases are so poor and the elements so difficult to work with it's a juggling act but the intentions are always good. People sticking the knife in before a product is quite incredible.
That wouldn't be our old friend from back in the day who's name began with a K (not Kyle!) by any chance? If it is he's probably more to be pitied than scorned, there's obviously something quite wrong with him. I can't believe he's continuing his silly vendetta over such a petty issue.

I should also say that I can't wait to get a look at this release, I'm holding off (and it's taking a lot of restraint) rewatching it until I have it in my black-gloved hands.
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