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Old 25th October 2010, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Calum View Post
Dear Ireland

Thank you for sending some of your rowdiest football fans over on the flight to Glasgow. Myself, Naomi, Sergio and his family really appreciated it.

I do wish to thank Nico for his appearance in Dublin and I'm sorry he felt he was unable to fulfil commitments made some time ago and under the guise of publicising a title Arrow has paid for and will release in the UK. I of course hope he enjoyed his brief stay in Dublin, the short moments he gave to Horrorthon and whilst I would have liked him to at least meet and greet the other guests out of common courtesy this is but a minor point.
Great thing about the Old firm derby is those football fans piss off out of the country for a few days and give us all a break from them.

Shame Nico didn't go to Glasgow, he came across as a nice guy and dealt with the questions even though some of them were embarressing. Anyway twas nice to meet you and the gang Calum. Pissed I didn't make it in for Stivaletti
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