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Old 27th October 2010, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
Just watched paranormal activity 2..
I thought it wernt to bad havent seen 1st 1.
Id enjoyed it more if some ppl at the back didnt keep shouting random nonsense or the 4 5 girls in front kept screaming at nothing and talking loudly. im Sure 1 of them kept screaming just to get attention because she would scream even if 2 ppl where just randomly talking in the film..

In the end just as it ended she said to her mate i cant believe that scared me, to which i shouted no neither can i so in future stick to watching bambi. 1of her frineds didnt half give me a dirty look....ppl like that at pics realy irritate me,
I hate people who are loud in the cinema, many a time I've had to shout at people mid film. I'm bound to get in a fight one day cos it's one of my worst pet hates.
I'm off to see Paranormal Activity 2 tonight. First one scared the bajeezus out of me (I used to live with a poltergeist) so I expect this one to do the same, let's hope I don't become one of those screamers cos I'll really embarrass myself.
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