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Old 27th October 2010, 05:10 PM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Liverpool, UK

I watched Frozen last night. This is what I said about it on Facebook:

"Frozen" 2010 USA/UK D: Adam Green.

A disappointment without being a total failure. Two obnoxious oiks and obnoxious oik 1's annoying girlfriend get stuck on a ski lift and horror ensues. This is a very slight idea that does not survive being pulled out to feature length. It does so by re-enacting "The Descent" with a freezing ski-lift instead of a cave system and wolves instead of Crawlers.

The script is decent enough if you suspend disbelief (could this happen on a modern ski resort and would wolves really act that way? I doubt it), but it is harder to over look the weak performances which are unable to sustain the required fear and tension. The actors are simply not up to the job really.

Visually there is little of interest (how many snowy angles of a swaying ski chair can you stand?) and instead of keeping you on the edge of your seat the film draaaaags and drags. For the most part it's hard to care about these people and their predicament.

Also, if these things are important to you, the make-up and gore effects are quite ineffective and cheap looking, not necessarily a fatal thing to a film, but here there's not much else to distract from this.

"Frozen" is a very disappointing exercise, but it is an interesting would all have worked so much better with a much shorter running time and a more convincing cast.
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