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Old 3rd November 2010, 09:38 PM
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Make Them Die Slowly Make Them Die Slowly is offline
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Originally Posted by Reaper@Cult Labs View Post
What's the latest on DVD Delirium 4 anyone?
I'm part way through it, after several days of flicking. Pretty much the same as previous volumes but as it's been so long in coming, there are fewer undiscovered films on my part to read about. It also seems a bit top heavy on sexploitation titles, no bad thing from my point of few but perhaps not to everyone's taste. Still, it does contain a glowing review of Tinto Brass' excellent, pop art, pseudo-giallo "Deadly Sweet" which should give this neglected gem a wider audience.

From what I've read so far, it's incredibly up to date on Shameless releases.
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