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Old 22nd December 2010, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by nekromantik View Post
I can understand why people would put that in the worst of 2010 list BUT they are taking it way to serious OR have no sense of fun.

If you go in expecting nothing then you will have a laugh and enjoy yourself, we need movies where you can let your hair down and switch off your brain. We cant be only watching things like Session 9 or Serbian Film (2 very diff movies but are still serious and make you think). I loved P 3D and cant wait for next one but as Aja will not be directing it wont be as good as you can tell this is a Aja film.
it is one of the worst films of the year cinematically, but it sure was fun, i did enjoy, it was pure B movie entertainment. What im a bit surprised at is how Aja Can make Switchblade romance, Hills Have Eyes and Mirrors, all very good well made horrors in my opinion, then this which to be honest doesn't seem to have had the level of professionalism put into it, like i said though, i definitly recommend renting for a great night of cheesy entertainment but to pay nearly 20.00 for it is a bit of no no in my eyes...
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