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Old 27th December 2010, 03:03 PM
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re.form re.form is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2009

Storm Warning - really enjoyed this little Aussie thriller. Cliched but no less entertaining for it. One really inventive 'Hellraiser' gore scene.

Resident Evil Afterlife - The use of slow motion in this was laughable. This film was nearly unwatchable. I'm amazed that an apocalyptic zombie movie could be so unentertaining. I remember saying that the trailer looked like 'Ultraviolet' and the movie is as badly put together as that. For some reason - they took take the worst elements of the game(s) for this one and put them in at random with no thought whatsoever to coherant storytelling. The trendy techno-rock soundtrack that changed every four seconds was very annoying. Utter cack.

The Naked Gun. Maybe the hundredth time I've seen it. Never gets old.
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