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Old 9th January 2011, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by BioZombie View Post
My GF suggested we watch Graveyard of the Fireflies last night. It's a Studio Ghibli film about a teenage boy and his little sister in World War II Japan. Obviously a really great film, but I dont think I've ever been quite so upset by anything. It really sticks with you for a long time after watching.
Good buys Ant; Ghibli films are incredible. I thought Grave of the Fireflies was a very sad film, beautifully made but quite a brutal depiction of war! Its amazing that anime has the power to stir such feelings. I think it hits home more than many other war films.
*Charles Bronson makes Duke (Juan Fernandez) swallow his Rolex Watch*
Duke: "I'm dying!"
Bronson: "No you're not... But you are gonna have to stick your head between your legs to tell the time."

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