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Old 10th January 2011, 05:01 PM
skyofcrack skyofcrack is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009

Originally Posted by Calum View Post
Well the shop is called Profondo Rosso which speaks for itself. Getting the story behind the shop - for those who perhaps don't know it exists (and some fans do not) seemed like a good thing to do because:

1) We were in Rome and it felt like the sort of thing *I* would want to see (as a fan) before I had the chance to visit the store and see for myself what it's like.

2) Luigi agreed to give us a tour of the museum (and, yeah, sorry if some of it was a tad dim down there - but there's not much in the way of lights in the shop's basement)

3) Not every extra featurette has to be academic - sometimes it's good to have a little fun with these things (like what we did with the Travelogue piece on Day of the Dead and like what you will see on Island of Death).

As it happens, a few folk have emailed me to tell me that - after watching the piece - they can't wait to visit Profondo Rosso. So mission accomplished: it's spread more awareness about a small part of Dario history.

If there was a shop out there called, I dunno, Zombi 2 then I'd sure as hell think it would be relevant including it on a new Blu of Zombie Flesh Eaters

(As a side note, there's a good piece about the shop in Alan Jones' Profondo Argento book so I'm clearly not the only Argento buff who thinks this deserves some reflection)
Points taken but I still would've attached a small light to the camera for the dark areas of the shoot.
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