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Old 11th January 2011, 01:46 PM
swarez swarez is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Iceland

I have a love hate relationship with this film. I love the book it's based on and I love many things about the movie, the monster for instance is better in the film. But the things that really bug me is the incomprehensible choice to have every character speak with an American accent. It's especially weird with Ian McKellen's character, a british actor playing a eastern european jew speaking with an american accent.
And I loathe Tangerine Dream and everything they do. It's especially distracting to have an 80's synth soundtrack in a WW 2 horror film.
But I have the Laserdisc and a widescreen boot that looks better than the laser. I'm hoping that one day they will release the longer intended cut.
Anyone know where I could get a hold of the script?
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