Thread: The AWE Thread
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Old 16th January 2011, 10:41 AM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: From the bowels of Newcastle Upon Tyne he collect DVDs and BRs!

Although i've yet to check out my own AWE DVD of Fulci's savage slasher apparently this release is highly praised. A longer version i believe than the BU edition with reportedly impressive PQ and some good extras.

I suppose it's probably a toss up between the above European issue and the aforementioned U.S. DVD as to which one rules the roost. But then there's also the forthcoming Shameless U.K. upgrade with it's own exclusive incentives.

If i had to choose just one copy to have in the collection it may well be the Danish donation as i've yet to watch my own BU release and the Shameless equivalent is yet to hit the shelves.
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