Thread: The AWE Thread
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Old 20th January 2011, 11:50 PM
springjack springjack is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Originally Posted by PaulRobinson View Post
WOW... that is an expensive shop!
Originally Posted by Eurosleaze View Post
If you're lucky you might be able to find the titles you're after cheaper (in the various Scandinavian versions it's released in - the same disc but a different releasing company) online. It's worth a shot.

Regularly paying £14 for an average disc is something I left behind a while ago.
Originally Posted by nekromantik View Post
I always found AWE to be too expensive thats why I dont own any
Ok... I only bought one AWE title (Savage Streets) because their editions are very expensive.

Like another user said, there are other companies that release the same editions. The prints are not exclusive to AWE, they are just the distributor on that specific country. I recently found out a site that sells this titles, but by another distributor, and the releases are realy legit.

From what I´ve read AWE is based on Denmark.
If you buy this in Sweden, the distributor will be Njuta Films.
The releases are the same, and many have the AWE logo before the menu.

I recently bought "Nothing Underneath" and "Patrick" from Njuta Films and the editions are the same, but very, very, very cheap.

"Nothing Underneath" and "Patrick" cost me 12,49€/10,58£ with shipping.
I bought each title for 4,37€/3,70£ because I wanted to try the site and because they were in promotion.

The site is legit, the products arrived in four days, and both titles are still at the same price.

Many Njuta Films/AWE releases are normaly listed at 10,€82€/9,16£ wich is still a great price.

One this is certain... they won a montly customer.

Warning: you can only pay in € (Euros) or KR (Denmark Krone).

Here´s the link and happy buying...

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