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Old 24th January 2011, 01:05 PM
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BioZombie BioZombie is offline
Grindhouse Project Co-ordinator
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Preston
Blog Entries: 2

Lat night I watched:

The Making of Battle Royale: The Experience of 42 High School Students

I really enjoyed this, its amazing how energertic Kinji Fukasaku was for a 70 year old man. Cant wait to watch the rest of the special features

Dead Beat At Dawn

This is the third time I've seen this film and I still like it a lot. It's ultra low budgetness (is that a word) gives it a really gritty feel, and the stange colured lighting make it seem like a living nightmare. I especially like the 'I hate people speach'. Whenever I hear the phrase ultra-violence I think of Deadbeat at Dawn.
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