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Old 25th January 2011, 06:20 PM
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kingofwitches666 kingofwitches666 is offline
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Originally Posted by nekromantik View Post
That movie is simply amazing in style and is a visual tour de force!
The rape scene is one of the few few times that I felt uneasy watching a movie. I can watch A Serbian Film or August Underground and not flinch but Irreversible's rape sequence was quite disturbing.
I'm exactly the same nekro. I watched A Serbian Film for the first time last night & it didn't trouble me to much, but I still find Monica Bellucci rape in Irreversible tough to sit through.
You're all the same the lot of you, with your long hair and faggot clothes. Drugs, sex, every sort of filth! And you hate the police don't you?

You make it easy.
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