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Old 29th January 2011, 01:41 PM
ZigZagZombie ZigZagZombie is offline
Cultist in Training
Join Date: Aug 2010

Originally Posted by nekromantik View Post
Watched chain letter last night and my god was it worse then I though it would be. Was not expecting it to be good but boy is bad a understatment.

Then saw I stand alone which was good but my 3rd best noe movie.
Just looked for Chain Letter on IMDb. The premise does sound somewhat weak but would've hoped the presence of Brad Dourif and Keith David might have lifted things out of the gutter somewhat. (This the same film you're referring to I take it?)

Not seen I Stand Alone but heard very interesting things about it. Even more eager to check out Enter the Void aswell; always curious about anything that looks like it'll be that blatantly psychedelic.

Incidentally, haven't watched Irreversible for a few years now. Was thoroughly stunned by it; but on such a frankly visceral (and spiritual) level that I'm not in a rush to rewatch it anytime soon. To be honest, after a couple of viewings I think parts of it will be burnt into the retina of my mind's eye for life.
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