An alternative to the German/Austrian "Antro" DVDs is the Italian 2 disc reelase from "Beat Records", which is noteworthy for a) containing also an English language track WITH the original music score (unlike most German releases which offer English audio, they usually seem to be taken from the "Grim Reaper" track.
), b) offers an interesting and subtitled interview with George Eastman and some tunes from D'Amato's flicks on Disc 2 (as well as a trailer for the movie with the alternate title of "Savage Island") and c) is basically fully intact if you don't count a few totally forgettable extra frames of unspectacular scenes.
I should know, I own the Austrian NSM 2 discer with the German audio commentary and the extra frames, too.
Avoid the former "Astro" and "Laser Paradise" releases of the flick like the plague, though!
Yeah, the "Ban the Sadist Videos" documentaries are really great. Essential viewing for anybody, who wishes to get an idea about the video witchhunts of the 80's and believe me: It played out pretty much the same way in Germany during that era