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Old 26th February 2011, 02:38 AM
skyofcrack skyofcrack is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009

Originally Posted by springjack View Post
I have a question about the booklet...

In it, it mentions "Blood Feast 2" as being 16:9. Is this true?
I never bought this title because all the reviews I´ve read said it was non-anamorphic. Is the movie 16:9 or is this a print error?
From a review:

Blood Feast 2 has already make it to DVD in both America and Australia and the key complaint about the transfer was common to both releases, that the picture was letterboxed rather than anamorphic. Unfortunately the same is true of Arrow's UK DVD, which has likely been sourced from the same video original, hence the NTSC to PAL conversion. In other respects the picture is pretty good, a clean transfer with decent enough contrast (detail is lacking in shadow areas, however) and the sort of colour that sings a small hymn to Lewis's formula for fake blood. But enlarged to fill a 42-inch plasma screen it's never going to look as sharp as it should for a film shot on 35mm in 2002, and tends to bring those compression artefacts into plain view.
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