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Old 9th March 2011, 12:19 PM
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wayfarer wayfarer is offline
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Originally Posted by skankenstoned View Post
Yes, that's very true and I'm glad that freedom of speach has allowed us all to air our views. However, I do feel there were a few posts that bordered on the abusive and that's when we all need to step back and let the pro's do their job.
True and that's why forums have moderators - in case things get too heated and forum users go too far. After all, this site is just as much a marketing tool as it is a discussion forum. Sometimes, I forget that.

I've found this forum to be full of well balanced and good people, and rarely do things ever get out of hand. Constructive criticism is helpful as long as it's not too sanctimonious or rude.

*Incidentally, I've re-ordered my pre-order despite my earlier misgivings.
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