And here's how to win it....
Sharktopus - it's half Shark, half Octopus. Soooo.... this week's comp will be all about mixing animals! Horray! Cross-species breeding!
Here's how it'll work:
1) Think of an animal
2) Draw thought of animal (use Paint for this - it's probably easiest) - I drew a Snail. And don't worry, you don't have to be artists like me
3) Then either upload your image to (PM me if you need help with this
) and then PM me the URL of that drawing - or you could email it to be at - whichever's easiest.
4) Then once I've gotten a few pics in (maybe by Tuesday), I'll PM everyone with someone elses picture.
5) Then you'll have to transform that picture into another creature - so someone might turn that snail above into a Snaiffe by mixing it with a giraffe. You could even colour it in etc...
Then PM me that new creature
Depending on how many people enter we could do this more than once and have a whole load of mixed-up animal creatures which would be pretty damn cool.
Then on Friday you'll get to pick the winners - but I'll explain that later on. So get doodling on paint!
- Draw only one animal for now - doesn't have to be amazing like mine
- And PM me, dont post it on here.
GOOD LUCK and have some fun!