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Old 26th March 2011, 01:33 AM
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dream demon dream demon is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Somewhere no one has ever heard off. Lucky beggars.

Just this minute finished watching Grotesque with Linda Blair, and what an odd little film it is - what was that ending all about ???

A nice turn from Tab Hunter, though, and interesting to see 'Maniac Cop' Robert Z'Dar as one of the 'punkers'.

Originally Posted by gag View Post
Every now and again i watch a random film of horror channel
I watched
Dangerous Worry Dolls must be 1 of the worst films ive ever seen ...not even so bad its good, terrible in every sense the acting story everything If i bought this from pound shop id still feel ive been ripped of...Avoid at all cost
If it's been on Zone Horror then it most probably WILL turn up in Poundland at some point .

Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Watched Pontypool on BD on Wednesday night. An original take on a familiar genre which I thought was done incredibly well. Will definitely watch again.
This is a film I really need to see - I've heard nothing but good things .

Last edited by Nosferatu@Cult Labs; 26th March 2011 at 10:57 AM. Reason: Merged as three posts were submitted in only four minutes
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