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Old 26th March 2011, 12:21 PM
mrsutton mrsutton is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Bristol
Default much ado about nothing

got my Beyond Blu-Ray, fantastic quality, got monochrome intro and do I care: no. does that mean I'm not passionate? No. I WANT Arrow to be able to continue producing the quality ive seen on the releases Ive got - the most innovative bd/dvd series coming out at the moment, so nwhat if the sepia version is only in the vipco release - makes it another passage in the folk lore of all these titles, I think a backlash at arrow is uncalled for, you guys have again done a fanTAstic job on this release.

Hate to think that, even more so today, a 'mistake' like this can cost a company with great intentions, and II dont wanna see arrow getting hit by fans throwing their toys out of the pram.

A GREAT release, bonus material was great, totally happy customer here.
