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Old 26th March 2011, 01:00 PM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Originally Posted by mrsutton View Post
got my Beyond Blu-Ray, fantastic quality, got monochrome intro and do I care: no. does that mean I'm not passionate? No. I WANT Arrow to be able to continue producing the quality ive seen on the releases Ive got - the most innovative bd/dvd series coming out at the moment, so nwhat if the sepia version is only in the vipco release - makes it another passage in the folk lore of all these titles, I think a backlash at arrow is uncalled for, you guys have again done a fanTAstic job on this release.

Hate to think that, even more so today, a 'mistake' like this can cost a company with great intentions, and II dont wanna see arrow getting hit by fans throwing their toys out of the pram.

A GREAT release, bonus material was great, totally happy customer here.

That's all well and good and I'm pleased that you're happy. But I, personally, want the film in its correct presentation. To say you don't care does mean that you're not passionate. Sorry, but I think it does. You're saying you don't care about something you say you're passionate about - bit of an oxymoron, yes? To be passionate means to care passionately.

But hey, if you want to stick with a lower bit-rate BD with an incorrect opening, then be my guest.
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