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Old 26th March 2011, 10:38 PM
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oaxaca oaxaca is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: West Mids UK

Watched MANIAC for the first time earlier...A very surreal film; I now realise why so much is made of Joe Spinell's performance, he is demented!! Loved the music by Jay Chattaway (a man who shares my surname ) especially in the graveyard at the end.

Also watched KNIGHT MOVES (1992) starring the great Christopher Lambert as a chess grandmaster. Also Tom Skerritt who is always likeable. Good film overall, moves along at a frantic pace. Only available as R1 on DVD though.
*Charles Bronson makes Duke (Juan Fernandez) swallow his Rolex Watch*
Duke: "I'm dying!"
Bronson: "No you're not... But you are gonna have to stick your head between your legs to tell the time."

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