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Old 27th March 2011, 05:06 PM
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slaghammer slaghammer is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: The Manchester Morgue

If you were stuck on a deserted island for the rest of your life..

1) What would you call it? - Sh*thole - then I could wander around going "Cor, this place is a right sh*tole"
2) What three things you would take with you? - Jordan (no fear of drowning that way); Monica Bellucci; A gimp suit.
3) If you could only take ONE film what would it be? - Can I take a cookery DVD? Like "1001 things to do with a coconut"?
4) What would be the worse film to be stuck with? - Anything directed by Tarantino. Mind you, no need for a desert island for that to be hell (in my book!!)
5) What would you do to pass the time - pierce my penis as many times as humanly possible - might as well give the folk who rescue me a good jolt!

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