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Old 27th March 2011, 08:06 PM
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Drugula Drugula is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010

1) Devil's Island ( Devils Island, (here I stay) Devils Island. papapapapa )
2) 1991 Jennifer Conelly, the first of KISS, and a gigantic penis in formaldehyde.
3) Some movie Adam Sandler has nothing to do with.
4) Some movie Adam Sandler has something to do with.
5) When i get bored of loving 1991's Jennifer Connelly, I would Suck the gigantic penis and then put it back in formaldehyde so it does not rotten. So the main idea is that if you do not love 1991's Jennifer Connelly, you suck penises. The first of KISS is merely for motivation (I do NOT have a music player in an island, what the f*ck I do not have electricity even), just to remember me that there will always be someone who did something better than anything I could do in my whole life.
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