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Old 29th March 2011, 07:44 PM
L'enfant Errant L'enfant Errant is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010

Originally Posted by Nemesis View Post
But if you think DNR is absent from BU - I think you'll be disappointed; it's not that grainy.
BU certainly has less DNR than Arrow's release. The grain structure looks almost identical to that found on the Wild Side transfer, and I doubt both of them managed to fake grain in exactly the same way...

Honestly, I'm curious what print was actually used to make the HD master. Blue Underground says it was a new scan of the negative, but it looks like the same exact HD master that we've seen on various DVD and Blu-ray releases since about 2007. (I'm not saying anything, I'm just... saying. )

To get back to Bird with the Compromised Aspect Ratio, I'll be very curious to see how it looks via screencaps, if nothing else. BU released it on DVD with a very similar looking transfer back in 2005, I think, so I imagine the HD master they used is anything but new. That doesn't mean it's bad, of course, but I'll be curious to see if the "Storaro-ized" transfer has notably different contrast, grain structure or anything along those lines. I'm not happy about the aspect ratio at all, but I am curious about the "look" of the new master, if that makes any sense.

I'm pretty sure what Der Spiler was getting at was, if one were to crop this particular scene, the entire effect of being within a camera's viewfinder would be obscured - or maybe even lost completely. The moment I read about the 2.0:1 ratio, these scenes immediately sprang to mind as a perfect example of why matting a film in retrospect is a VERY bad idea.