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Old 31st March 2011, 08:21 AM
ecc ecc is offline
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Originally Posted by doolahrock View Post
I was only about 18 at the time and was still a few years off truly appreciating aspect ratios. It's only in recent times this has come back to me and stood out as pretty bizarre as Stendhal (from memory) is 1.66:1.
I think Giuseppe Rotunno is more responsible for the 1.66:1 ratio and other camera choices of STENDHAL (I recall reading that Argento had initially planned to do something creative with Anna's POV during her "syndrome" states). I seem to recall reading or hearing that Sergio Stivaletti had a hard time working with Rotunno when it came to the photographing the material meant for CGI augmentation.

That said, I like the aspect ratio and it can be well-employed (check out several of Claude Chabrol's films - some of which have been ruined by 1.78:1 reframing). I was not initially impressed with the photography of THE STENDHAL SYNDROME, but I've grown to appreciate it.
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