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Old 26th April 2011, 03:33 PM
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Default Quentin Tarantino

What do you think of him as a writer/director/actor?

What do you think is his best film? My vote would go to Jackie Brown which is certainly his most mature film and benefits from working from a novel rather than an original screenplay. Don't get me wrong, I think Pulp Fiction is a fantastic film, but Tarantino's direction in Jackie Brown is better than in any other film he's made.

As I put in another thread:
Originally Posted by BioZombie View Post
I am the total oppisite, I really like Deathproof. I will agree there is a bit of annoying dialouge, but Kurt Russle is fantastic, and the car chase scene at th end is mind blowing. One of my favourite things about the film is the choice of music to images, the crash where dave dee dozy beaky mick & tich is playing is up there with the best Tarantino has done.
I agree about the car chase and the soundtrack but felt Kurt Russell was overacting a little too much. As for the 'annoying dialogue', it seemed as if Tarantino was simply rehashing the breakfast table scene from Reservoir Dogs and the women, in both scenes, were bizarrely speaking like Tarantino only with female voices!

I know this is something for a different/new thread, but I feel as if he has regressed as a filmmaker since Reservoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction/Jackie Brown and don't really rate his more recent films from Kill Bill to Inglorious Basterds.
What do you think of his latest films?
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