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Old 26th April 2011, 03:44 PM
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BioZombie BioZombie is offline
Grindhouse Project Co-ordinator
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I was just about to post this in the other Quentin Tarantino thread.

I know this is something for a different/new thread, but I feel as if he has regressed as a filmmaker since Reservoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction/Jackie Brown and don't really rate his more recent films from Kill Bill to Inglorious Basterds.
I don’t think regressed is the word to use at all. Just because someone does something different doest automatically make it a step backwards. Tarantino always said that Kill Bill was going to be his action film, and viewed as an action film I think that it holds up extremely well against his older works.

Deathproof is meant to be a homage to grindhouse films, I think that the problem QT has is that he has done it too well. How many times do you watch an old 70's slasher or carsploitation where the action is great but characters and plotting leave a bit to be desired? I know it is a little bit of a strecth to say that QT purposely made parts of Deathproof bad, but its not impossible.

As forInglourious Bastards this may be something we have to agree to disagree on. In my opinion it is up there with Jackie Brown as possibly QT's third best film. It has a fantastic cast (even Eli Roth comes off well), with Christoph Waltz putting in a film stealing (and lets not forget oscar winning) performance, and the scene in the cinema where Brad Pitt and his men try to pass as Italien I think is up there with royale with cheese and ear cutting.

I guess my opinions make me a bit of a Tarantino fan boy, but when he makes such excellent films I dont understand how anyone doesn't want to be one.
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