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Old 28th April 2011, 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Monsters is a very divisive film I think. I went with a friend, both expecting it to be a District 9-style film with a bit of action in it. When it became apparent that it was a slower film, with more of a road movie feel I still enjoyed it but thought my friend would hate it and he turned out to admit that it was one of the best films he'd seen that year! I can see why people don't like it, but for me I thought it was an excellently directed film with fantastic performances and really can't wait to see what Gareth Edward's does next with his take on Godzilla.
I loved it too, great film. Superbly directed and acted. I like the "ending" too (if you can call it an ending) cos actually the opening shot was the end of the film.
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