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Old 4th May 2011, 11:45 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly View Post
You'll have to try Farmer's "Image of the Beast" and it's squeal next. Private eyes, blow up dolls made from human skin, women who fall apart so that you can have sex with body parts and if I remember correctly a sword fight during which the hero can't stop ejaculating and slipping on his own cum! It may even be a werewolf he's fighting. Not read them since I was at school in the 80s.

Presently reading "The Dream World of H.P. Lovecraft" by Donald Tyson. The biographical stuff is good but Tyson who is an occultist by trade argues that almost all of Lovecraft's work was channelled from the astral plane or somewhere near by. The final part of the book is a huge let down where he discusses Lovecraft's influence on the modern occult scene and basically fails to deliver the goods and skims the subject which is worthy of a book or two of it's own.
this isnt the same as the HPL dream book (he discusses his dreams and the impact they have on his work) i found in an AMOK journal i take it? now thats something i have been looking for for years etc...
also on a similar note im just finishing THE HOUSE ON THE BORDERLAND by William Hope Hodgison...very HPL ala Through the Gates of the Silver my mind anyhow
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