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Old 25th May 2011, 02:02 PM
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platostotal platostotal is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Berks.

What hooked me into scary stuff was being scared s**tless by the seaweed type monsters on Doctor Who. They would take you over and if I remember right you could look into someones mouth and see seaweed in their throats. Hid behind the sofa shaking with fear, brilliant!!! But that was mid/late 60's when I was a nipper and way down the line today reality scares me more than anything. Good scares tho include 'Evil Dead'(I was ahem...Feeling no pain when i first saw it at the cinema) 'the Exorcist' and 'Insidious'. But that feeling that sent shivers down your spine may kinda go with your youth. Also we have no real horror stars today like Cushing, lee and Karloff etc . So raise a glass to times gone past, and put on a good scary disc and turn the lights out... And wait for that strange noise outside, what could it be???
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