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Old 30th May 2011, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by BAKA View Post
Any chance of a Blu-ray release? Are the masters not up to it, or is it based on the sales you believe you're likely to have? If it does pass uncut, I'm more than sure there will be a lot of interest in an HD release.

Hopefully New York Ripper sales will be extremely positive, and if there is a possibility of this on Blu, you will re-evaluate it.
I can't speak for Shameless -- I'll leave that for Sarah -- but Arrow will always consider the quality of the source material first (they have to buy it before they can see it) and, if they decide it's good enough for a Blu-ray release, they'll then look at how financially viable such a release would be. I imagine Shameless are exactly the same. Clearly New York Ripper has good source material for a HD release and is a popular enough genre film with a decent fan base to shift units.

I also hope House on the Edge of the Park meets these criteria as it would be a real coup for Shameless to release a BD of it in the UK. However, first stop: Soho Square!

Last edited by Nosferatu@Cult Labs; 30th May 2011 at 01:30 PM.