Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs Let's keep things nice guys. I know the BD/SD debate can be a bit of a contentious issue but let's just watch our tones please. No point this descending into an argument when there's a 99.99% chance this is not going to be BD anyway - unless any of you have some spare cash lying around that you'd like to donate to the production of a HD master!  |
Well put 'Sarah', but the debate over hd/sd will roll on. Personally I don't see the point of poorly sourced masters getting stamped onto Blu. We have had apalling sd dvds in the past, so by all means lets have pristine 1080p goodness, but not on some vhs sourced sub-standard flick (at Blu-Ray prices of course). Lets not forget what happened to 'French Connection' I'll take my sd over the Blu of that anyday (my mate bought it and took it back saying it was faulty.

heh heh) Blu-Ray is not not mystical magic after all, just higher def. Roll on 'House on the edge of the park' in glorious sd.
P.S. Excuse any spelling mistakes, spell check not working.
P.P.S Yep that does mean I agree with some of what 'Prince' said in his response.