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Old 9th June 2011, 12:39 AM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Originally Posted by Prince_Vajda View Post
What about the extras and the poster? I am also quite sure that you already own another version of the movie with the "correct" aspect ratio - why not add this to your collection as some kind of oddity?

To be blunt, because I can't afford to. I already own it on BD in the correct ratio. My limited funds will therefore go towards buying something I don't already own on BD. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm not made of money either. Extras and a poster are all very nice and I do appreciate that kind of stuff, but double-dipping on this one purely for the extras isn't cost effective at the moment, especially when there's so much stuff out now on BD that I haven't got at all.

Don't worry, I will and do buy the other Arrow titles that I want, I'm just skipping this particular one.
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